Sunday, February 15, 2009

Joaquin's Gone Off The Deep End

So I missed the boat on this a bit, but apparently Joaquin Phoenix is a much-loved actor. He's been nominated for 2 Golden Globes - winning one for his role in Walk The Line - and 2 Oscars. Some have called him a fitting successor to Marlon Brando. I've never disliked him in any movie I've seen him in, but he never exactly STOOD OUT either. Granted, I haven't seen Walk The Line yet, and it's said to be his big flick. So maybe my slight ignorance towards his career and impact have lessened the impact of his recent turn.

Last week, Phoenix appeared on David Letterman. And the interview was... well, odd. You can look for yourself, but suffice it to say he seemed like he'd traded a sense of humour for a ZZ Top outfit. He announced his retirement from acting in October 2008, and this year has revealed that hip-hop is the way to go. Letterman's audience laughed, "sources" are saying it was an art project prank... but Phoenix says, No no. He's serious. Apparently.

Ignoring for a moment the fact that he looks more like Ray Lamontagne

(L to R: One of Shane's all-time favourite artists; Commodus, dastardly Roman emperor)

than Jay-Z - what the hell is he thinking? I'm not an expert on hip-hop music, but I think I know what is sought by artists in that genre, sort of. And he doesn't really have it. I know, he's new to it, and I'm not expecting him to blow minds right away, or any time soon. But I don't want to see him crash and burn - enough performers have forayed into the music world with less than stellar results*. As an aside, I'm going to have to remember to return to the topic of celebrities crossing into other art forms, and the delicious carnage that ensues.

* Why, Alan Doyle? WHY?!

Back to Joaquin. Maybe he is a brilliant actor, or even a genius. This would lend itself to eccentricity, which in turn lends itself to odd creative decisions. Maybe he is burnt out from his acting career, and wants to try a new avenue of expression. But watching that Letterman video again... I can't help but think it's a joke. And a very good one, a joke I appreciate, assuming it is meant to be one. Otherwise, I do honestly think he is pursuing a career he's just not meant to pursue. That's why I'm not an Olympic diver.


Or ever.

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