Saturday, March 28, 2009

Of The CBCC - The Extra 'C' Stands For 'Cuts'

So I just woke up and got out from that rock I was under, but apparently there's a recession going on? Thanks for telling me, people. Not only that, but it's causing job losses and budget cuts all over the world or something. Even in our most venerable institution, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Yes, it was announced on Wednesday that the CBC would be making significant cuts across its television and radio platforms. Prime-time T.V. shows like Being Erica and Little Mosque on the Prairie are being told to produce fewer episodes, while a number of shows, including radio spots The Point and Out Front, are being cancelled altogether.

Overall, there are 171 million dollars being trimmed and slashed from the CBC's programming roster. Over 800 jobs lost, with a number of small-town radio stations being shut down and staff being downsized nationwide. Amateur sports simply won't be broadcast anymore.

There's a lot to address here; some of it's economical, some of it's political, some of it's cultural. So I'm going to go ahead and break my thoughts up into three separate posts. And if I'm smart, I'll use those three topics. Otherwise I'm not planning this well.

SO! Coming up next week! Probably Monday but don't hold me to that because I am so so SO bad at updating regularly! Look for some musings on the economic side of this issue. There's no denying that we're all strapped for cash - does that make these cuts forgivable? And were they made in a responsible fashion?

TUNE IN NEXT WEEK! Goodness, I feel like I'm doing a T.V. promo. What an astute observation I've made.

Oh, right. Here's something to listen to, since spring is finally awaking and smiling.

Oh yes. Oh, yes.

1 comment:

  1. I was really worried for Radio 3, but it's still there!

    I am quite upset however that Little Mosque and The Border are receiving shorter orders =(


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