Friday, April 24, 2009


So, after listening to my roommate play "Go The Distance" on piano last night... I found the music video. And watched it at least 3 times. And felt so inspired to achieve something that it was a shame that it was 4 in the morning.

I don't know what it is about that song and others - seriously, I just watched half of it again after finding the link. I can't stop.

Sure, the lyrics are inspiring - if there are any, and the music makes you want to get up and DO shit. Here are some examples for when you're done reading. But the lyrics are also pretty kitschy, cliche, whatever you want to call it. And most of the time... the sentiment is fake.

Yes, old-movie guy. Fake like your credit rating. Happy Depression!

That is to say, the composers often aren't working from personal experience, reflecting on a monumental challenge in their life and deciding that an orchestra best suits their achievement. I don't think the band Europe has been to space.

But I guess that's a bit unfair on my part. However, I shall pose the question to you. Should an inspirational, you-can-do-it song be inspired by personal experience? Or is it alright to know what inspires people, and set that formula down as needed?
That'll do, Hercules. That'll do.


  1. I demand more Disney discussions. It rocks my world. For more inspiring instrumental music from Disney, please check out this link:

    It gives me goosebumps everytime. Fun fact... my favorite Disney movie. (My classic Disney one is Beauty and the Beast, with like every other movie coming in at a close third place)

    I am obsessseeedddd with Disney.

  2. PS: Alan Menken (and Stephen Schwartz) rock my world.

  3. Wow, Brie is a freak... a freaking genius! Disney does rock!

    Now, as far as your massive question at the end of the post goes Shane, I think it all has to do with what your goals are. If you're putting something out into the world and trying to inspire people, I think however you are able to achieve that is a viable thing to do. If your goal is to make money, same kind of thing. The tricky part is when you start adding sub-goals, like my goal is to inspire people, make money doing it, and make no one think that my sentiment is artificial. The way I see it, you can't tell people what to think or feel when they hear/see/experience your output. You can only produce what feels right to you/ what you think will achieve your goals. Plus if you're worried about seeming fake, telling people how they should feel or think is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to make something seem fake.

    Love the post, and the blog. Definitely want more Disney.

    PS anyone who reads this blog and is interested enough to read this comment should check out my blog at

    Hows that for telling people how to think!

  4. Your blatant advertising is nothing short of sensational. I would do the same thing, if a) I had anything to say about your posts; and b) if anyone actually READ IT!!!!

    That was so mean and untrue - I apologize.

    I wouldn't do it anyway.


    Dinner tonight?


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