Sunday, April 12, 2009

iTunes Follow-Up

Props to my friend Paul for alerting me to this little article. I mentioned the iTunes music store creating a three-tier pricing system -- $0.99 for most songs, $1.29 for highly popular ones, and $0.69 for back catalogue, under-the-radar type songs. Weeeeell, that might be affecting sales in a way that the labels weren't looking forward to.

It sorta makes sense to me. Charging more for a song is bound to negatively affect its sales to a certain degree. And the ones that stay at the same price... well, they'll either see the same sorts of trends as before the new system was implemented, or even benefit from people being turned off the expensive tracks.

Of course, it's a bit early to make definitive statements - the store's only been under this new system for 6 days, as of Monday. But, as Paul told me, "it's definitely something to keep an eye out for."

So basically, Paul wrote this blog post. You should go ahead and read his blog, I'm just going to start parroting his stuff.

Now Playing: This isn't relevant, but I'm heavily digging it right now. And it is 99 cents, so... sure, it's relevant.

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