Monday, April 6, 2009

The Price Is Right - Or, It Was... Or WAS IT?!

Just a quick note to the dozens - nay, thousands - of you who are regularly reading this blog. Tomorrow, April 7th, will be of note to those of us who pay to download through Apple's iTunes Music Store. Whereas every one of the 10 million songs in the store's catalogue used to be available for the benchmark of 99 cents, we are now going to see an increase for chart-topping hits, and a decrease for back catalogue, off-Main-St. kinda songs.

Here's a business article about it.

Basically... if you read the tops of Billboard's charts and say, "That is what I will like now," you'll be paying $1.29 for the newest singles, the ones deemed more valuable by the record labels. The majority of tunes will remain at $0.99, and lesser-known or older songs will be reduced to $0.69.

I'm not that worried by this price change, because I'm not a pop-music trend-watcher, really. I'm not trying to be snobby by that. I just gravitate to the types of music that feel a bit less manufactured. I'm ok with the pop machine churning out hit songs by the book, because when I think of great Motown hits I'm fond of, that's what they were in the 60's - formulated to please the masses. This could turn into a whole reflection on the effect that time has on perception of "popular" music, but I have tonnes of essaying to do.

I will conclude with well-wishes for the record labels. They've been in a pretty bad mood for the last decade or so, and this pricing change might help them make sure their pillows are stuffed with straight cash money. After all, it's not their fault that they dismissed online music-sharing in favour of the CD market. Poor dears...

Anyway, I just thought you millions of readers should be kept up-to-date, because I know this is the only place you get your music news. Thank you for being loyal :D

Straight cash, homey.


  1. I'm not too worried about it either - I tend to buy more of the older songs (as I disocover them)anyway. Though I do get some of the newer ones from time to time :\ Thanks for letting me know this was happening - I probably wouldn't have without reading this.
    And what would that've made my next shopping experience on iTunes? "SURPRISE!!"

  2. Just to note though, album prices haven't gone up. Still the $9.99 they were, even if some songs in the album are now at $1.29.

  3. I think this has something to do with the industry starting to lean more heavily on singles again. That is, cassettes and CDs coincided with an artistic trend towards more concept albums and other albums that play well as a whole. This was basically THE method of record sales back in the days of vinyl, and per-son downloading is bringing the trend back.

    That reminds me, I want a record player. Anyone have one lying around? I doubt it...


Billboard This Week